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Dimensions 2 Folders

Dimensions 2 Folders is a small app that enables you to sort your digital images into folders based on their dimensions. You can create folders based on the ...

Dimensions 2 Folders

Dimensions 2 Folders is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you sort images into folders based on their resolution. Portable running ...

Dimensions 2 Folders - quakemachineX - quakemachine

2023年10月10日 — Dimensions 2 Folders 可以基于图片的分辨率来组织图片,将相同分辨率或者自定义分辨率的图片放入各自的目录中,在某些情况下非常实用。 主要特点:.

Dimensions 2 Folders 1.0.8 free download

2016年12月1日 — Dimensions 2 Folders is a portable tool for organising images by height, width, aspect ratio and more. At its simplest you could point the ...

Dimensions 2 Folders organizes images by height, width, ...

2016年12月1日 — Dimensions 2 Folders takes this much further, organizing your images by height, width, the total number of pixels, aspect ratio and more. The ...

Dimensions 2 Folders v1.0.8

2018年11月25日 — Dimensions 2 Folders sorts images into folders based on their resolutions. Includes recursive scanning (folders and their sub-folders), ...

Dimensions 2 Folders – Skwire Empire

2016年10月15日 — Description: Sort images into folders based on their resolutions. Features: Recursive scanning. Custom folder delimiter e.g. 800×600, ...

Dimensions 2 Folders(图片分类软件) v1.06 免费绿色版

2019年9月11日 — 此外,Dimensions 2 Folders帮助您使用过滤器对图片进行排序。可以按纵横比、公差级别以及自定义像素范围(下限和上限)过滤文件。

Download Dimensions 2 Folders Free

2017年2月23日 — Dimensions 2 Folders will copy or move images from a source folder to a destination folder and in doing so it will sort all the images based ...

[下載]Dimensions 2 Folders v1.0.7 build 1 按圖片解析度 ...

2013年3月11日 — Dimension 2 Folders依據圖片解析度大小進行排序並將它們複製至以解析度命名的資料夾內,如:800×600,600×400。 【軟體名稱】:Dimensions 2 Folders